How to Get Your Garage in Workshop Shape
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When the weather is perfect, it’s always fun to take your car out for a spin. However, the heat can place a lot of strain on automobiles, and they may require work to keep them in tip-top condition.
Make Your Garage Functional
It can be easy for garages to become a place to store knickknacks and assorted belongings. This can deprive a garage of its purpose. If you are looking to maintain your car, your garage will need a transformation. When it comes to clutter, decide if you want to keep things or give them away. You could organize a yard sale, donate to a local charity or offer things to relatives and friends. However, with the right type of storage, your decluttering efforts may not involve removing that much.
For instance, if your garage is full of bikes that are seldom ridden, you could add overhead storage to better arrange them. This type of system will also benefit your workspace. Cabinets are valuable, both for your workspace and your family's storage. Be sure to label wall sections, bins and drawers to give your garage invaluable organization.
Rejuvenate the Garage
With your garage cleared, you should give it a thorough inspection. Your car will not benefit solely from maintenance. Be sure that it’s properly insured as well. It will need an environment that protects it from the elements, and you yourself will gain from the security of a safe environment.
Do an extensive safety check of your garage. Depending on your location, winter may have taken its toll. Check its door to ensure its mechanisms are in good order, and that it locks properly.
Make sure that your garage is insulated, as this will help your garage stay dry. Crucially, it will also keep temperatures optimal for your car, as well as tools and yourself. Back this up with well-serviced air conditioning and fill any cracks found.
If your garage was especially cluttered and dirty, you may want to consider bringing in an exterminator to inspect the space for vermin. After all, mice can get inside your vehicles and cause quite a bit of damage.
As you take care to maintain the cleanliness of your garage, be sure to use non-carcinogenic cleaners to do so. You want to protect your own health in addition to your vehicles.
Set up the Workspace
The culmination of all this effort is your workspace. It will be a place where you can store tools, and contain all the apparatuses you will need to keep your car in perfect condition. When choosing a workbench, select one that is resilient and sturdy enough to stay upright no matter what. Your workbench will be the focal point of your space, so be sure that it supports all of your car-related goals. Lighting will be essential for car work. You may find yourself putting in late-night sessions when working.
Even in the day, lighting will be important to maintain absolute accuracy and safety. High-intensity lighting can offer a lot of coverage while recessed options that fit to the ceiling are great supplements. Given the amount of electricity you will be using, take precautions by ensuring there is sufficient capacity to handle projected usage, and that there are enough outlets. Don't rely on extension cords, as these can be hazards themselves.
Give it Personality
You may find yourself spending plenty of time in your garage. Those long nights working on your car, keeping it in perfect condition, could easily drag if your garage does not feel homely. Add personal touches to it, décor that inspires and appeals to you, and make it inviting so that all the family feel comfortable. Remember to keep track of any updates as they can add value to your home. You could add a little color by creating a green space if you have sufficient room, or paint the walls in a bright, upbeat hue.
You may try creating a “mud room” that could act as a buffer between home and the outside. It could have pegs for coats, a place for muddy boots, and anything else your kids bring in after a fun day out. Your garage can motivate you as you work on your car and still be an environment where the whole family feels welcome.
Garages are the natural place for car work. They can keep our cars in an ideal state, no matter the weather outside. A well-organized, properly structured garage can make maintaining your car a truly fulfilling experience rather than an onerous chore.
To keep your vehicles looking showroom ready, contact Clarity Car Washing for mobile detailing in San Diego!
By Chelsea Lamb of