How to Remove Oxidation from Your RV

RV oxidation removal San Diego

Recreational vehicles, or RVs, provide a great way to travel and explore the outdoors in comfort and style. However, these vehicles are often exposed to the elements and develop a chalky or dull look which is called oxidation. In this article, we will explore what oxidation on an RV is, why it happens, and give some product recommendations so you can get back on the road in style *sunglass emoji*.

What is oxidation on an RV?

Oxidation is a chemical process that occurs when oxygen reacts with another substance, such as the metal or paint on an RV. When this happens, the surface of the RV can become discolored, faded, and dull, losing its original shine and luster. This can happen to any part of the RV, including the exterior body, wheels, and other metal components.

Why does oxidation happen on an RV?

There are several reasons why oxidation can occur on an RV. One of the primary causes is exposure to the elements, including sun, rain, wind, and air pollution. UV rays from the sun can break down the protective coatings on the surface of the RV, leaving it vulnerable to oxidation. Rain and moisture can also cause damage to the surface, leading to rust and other forms of corrosion. Additionally, air pollution, such as acid rain, can speed up the oxidation process, causing the surface of the RV to deteriorate more quickly.

Another factor that can contribute to oxidation on an RV is improper maintenance. If the RV is not properly cleaned and maintained, dirt, grime, and other contaminants can accumulate on the surface, making it more susceptible to oxidation. Additionally, using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials to clean the RV can damage the surface, making it more vulnerable to oxidation. Examples of this are improper wash techniques such as using stiff bristle brushes or acid washing too many times without a coating having been applied previously.

How can oxidation on an RV be prevented?

Fortunately, there are several steps that RV owners can take to prevent oxidation from occurring. One of the most important things to do is to keep the RV clean and well-maintained. This means regularly washing the exterior with a gentle cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge. It's also important to wax the surface of the RV at least once a year to provide an extra layer of protection against the elements. Clarity Car Washing offers these services for those in the San Diego area.

Another way to prevent oxidation is to keep the RV covered when it's not in use. This can be especially important if the RV is stored outdoors, where it's exposed to the elements. While an RV cover like these ones are pricey, they greatly increase the lifespan of the gel coat on an RV. A high-quality RV cover can help protect the surface from UV rays, rain, and other forms of damage.

Finally, it's important to address any signs of oxidation as soon as they appear. This may involve using a specialized cleaner or polish to remove the oxidation and restore the surface of the RV. In some cases, it may be necessary to have the RV professionally detailed to remove severe oxidation and restore the original shine and luster.

DIY RV Oxidation Remover Product Recommendations:

Meguiars RV and Boat Gel Coat Restoration Kit:

For lightly oxidized RV’s use this scrub solution to save time:

Meguiar’s One Step Compound (aggressive cleaner + polish):

Steps to Remove Oxidation:

  1. wash the RV following these methods:

  2. use a polishing machine with an 6-8” wool buffing pad (buy about 2-4)

  3. use the Meguiar’s One Step Compound to buff out the oxidation while making sure to rinse out the wool pad to ensure it’s not clogged up and ineffective

  4. after you’re done with the whole RV, make sure to seal the paint with wax. We recommend Meguiar’s Pure Wax:

The Bottom Line

In this article we discussed oxidation on RVs, which occurs when oxygen reacts with the metal or paint on the vehicle, resulting in a discolored, faded, and dull surface. The primary causes of oxidation are exposure to the elements and improper maintenance. We provided tips on how to prevent oxidation from occurring, including regular cleaning and maintenance, using a protective cover when the RV is not in use, and addressing any signs of oxidation promptly. The article also recommends some product solutions for removing oxidation and restoring the RV's shine and luster. With these products and methods, you’ll be pointed in the right direction to enjoying the shine of your home on wheels. Enjoy!

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