Clarity Car Washing

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Tunnel vision when detailing limits success

This will be a short and sweet blog post about the best tip for detailing. One of the main problems I run into with detailing is I’m too focused on one little section or area of a car and I’m not looking at the big picture. It is vital to detailing as a business and in general to literally step back and look at the bigger picture. So literally taking a step back from the vehicle and looking at it with a wider range of focus to see any imperfections. Whether it be for exterior or interior this strategy will help you see more and fix more spots you missed. Definitely a game-changer for making sure you see what the customer sees. Sometimes we get so focused on what a good job we are doing on one thing, we forget that the customer sees the bigger picture right away and can point out mistakes you didn’t even see because you become tunnel-visioned. Also, a quick tip is that often this can be applied to life with relationships and career and really help steer your ship in the right direction. Stay shining San Diego!